Saturday, January 9, 2010

January Sewing Day

Today was the first day of our new Mormon Handicraft Block of the Month quilt day. Krista and I signed up last month to do it. Laurie came to sew a Valentine runner while Krista and I sewed. Hailey helped us out and also watched movies while we sewed. It was such a fun day! i loved having them come and spend the day.

Hailey was exited to come and hang out with us.

I finished my last block from last years quilt today too, hooray! Now I get to get it put together.

Here's the first block for this years quilt. The colors are so cute!

Here's Laurie with her darling Valentine runner. She did such a cute job!

Here's Hailey with their Valentine runner. Krista is so clever. I love the round!