Friday, November 27, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I love this time of year! The snowmen, the smells, the lights, the music, even the snow a little bit.

Krista came on Tuesday and decorated my house while I was at work! Gosh, it was fun to come home to an incredible Christmas house!

This year I have a tree in my kitchen! I love it!

Look at Hailey, she loves it too! She wanted me to take her picture by the tree!

I added a few new decorations this year! The darling snowmen are above the bench in my kitchen! They make me happy!

My kitchen table.

The shelf in my kitchen.

My kitchen counter.

My beautiful Christmas tree!
My darling snowman quilt!

My other new purchase this year. (the glare is not great, sorry!)

My living room.

More of the living room.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

Tonight Mom, Kathy, Cierra, Carissa and I went and saw New Moon! It was great! I loved Edward and Jacob! I'm still an Edward fan! Kathy, Cierra and Carissa all like Jacob! I actually think they're both pretty hot!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Give Thanks

Laurie got up at 4:00 this morning and put up her Thanksgiving decorations, I waited until 4:00 this afternoon. I wanted to be like her!

This year I bought this new picture. It looks really pretty in my living room!

I love the orange with all my blue!
Here's a peek at my curio!

And my ceramic Pilgrims and Indians I painted. I still love them after all these years!

Halloween Night

Yesterday afternoon my friends and old neighbors invited me over for dinner in a pumpkin. It has been our tradition for the past few years. It's a yummy rice and hamburger mixture. I love it!

After dinner the kids put on their costumes and got ready to head out for trick or treating! Aren't they cute?

Check out the cute wtich, football player and tinkerbell! I sure love these three girls!

After dinner my friend came over and we watched this spooky movie! It was very instense! it was a fun Halloween!!