Friday, September 14, 2012

My Summer Sewing Projects

This summer I had two sewing projects to do.  My friend Sunny turned 7 In August and I wanted to make a quilt for her.  I made quilts for her two older sisters when they turned 7 so it has been a tradition. 

On a Friday night in July I came home from work and started my sewing bee.  I had the funnest time thinking about Sunny as I was piecing her quilt together.  I finished her quilt quite late.

Saturday morning I got up early and cut out Baby Lucy's quilt.  Cierra and I had gone shopping on Memorial day to choose the fabric.  Cierra has the cutest bedding and we coordinated the fabric with it.  I loved sewing all the pieces together and then cutting them up and sewing them back together again.  It was so neat to think of that new baby girl that would be cozied up in the quilt.  I finished Lucy's quilt in the late afternoon. 

Robynn had a friend make me the darling labels to sew on the quilts.  Thanks Rob!

 Here's how it looked whe I gave it to Cierra.  Not sure why it is sideways.  Ughh!

 I loved my quilting weekend!  I'm so grateful for my friend Rita who taught me to quilt.


  1. I LOVE your Quilts made with Lani's Love and sweet skills. Thanks for sharing them on your blog! You are amazing and I'm so glad you are my sister! SLY Rob

  2. It was so fun to check out all your new pictures, such great memories!
