Monday, May 28, 2012

Are you sitting down? Finally updated my blog!

Boy it has been forever since I have blogged!  Lot's of months have gone by!  This has been a buzee Memorial Day Weekend!  I took Friday off and have gotten lots done! 

Been working in the yard!

Put out the patio furniture this morning!  Thanks Matt for building my new table.  It looks terrific!

Cierra and I went shopping and to lunch on Saturday for fabric for a quilt for her new baby!  I can't wait to start sewing!
Look how cute she looks!  Only 3 more months to go!

Saturday night I had a sleep over with Hailey and Aida.  They ate breakfast in bed while they finished a movie that we started Saturday night.

 After church yesterday we played checkers.  Hailey won me!

 Aida and I made chocolate chip cookies.  She was lots of help!

 I love my fourth of July decor and thought I'd share my decor.  Enjoy!


  1. I was literally standing up when I saw that you blogged and had to sit down! Love the update - what darling photos! Cierra is DARLING pregnant and looks like she will have a darling quilt. Penny sure LOVES hers! And what a fun sleepover. I miss my sleepovers at your house. And I LOVE your decorations. Can you come decorate my house? I love you lots!

  2. I'm going to say, NOW THAT WAS WORTH WAITING FOR! I LOVE your Blog. Thank you Thank you for updating it. I LOVE to see your beautiful home and all your fun goings on. Have a WONDERFUL WEEK! SLY Rob

  3. It was so great to see your latest happenings. Miss you... hope all is well!

  4. I don't think I knew Cierra is pregnant! She looks so cute! It makes me feel so old - she and Chip and Chase were the first kids I ever baby-sat.
